Tagged: daily painting, flowers, nature, oils, painting a day, still life
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This amazing amaryllis opened about a week ago and every day I have wanted to paint it. Nice of it to be so patient; cut flowers loose their flush just a couple of hours after you bring them in. I really liked the back-lighting from the window and did my best to capture that. I was fighting a sloppy canvas preparation the whole time, trying to deal with brush strokes in the white I’d painted over a previous image. Good that these lessons come home in a small format! I’ve just stretched a couple of large canvases and will very careful not to make that mistake.
I was concentrating on not drawing with the paint, but instead finding the forms and values, seeing the abstract shapes which eventually start to look like something. My inner referee kept shouting STOP! STOP! I hope I did in time. I left the time stamps on so you could see how long each phase took. If you click to the enlargements you can see: 2 hours start to finish. About an hour longer than I’d intended to spend…
Leslie- I enjoyed seeing the progression of this painting, and I love the freshness of all your daily paintings. The “comment” link worked this time, so I hope you will get many. Keep up the good work! Hannah