What’s with the Animals? « Meiners and Lee Studios

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What’s with the Animals?

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Category: Ceramics Processes, Dennis' Doings

Dog Friday, Dennis Meiners, Celedon, Mishima, Pottery, Cup, Ceramics,

Dog Friday supervises Dennis Meiners making Celedon and Mishima Pottery

Why did this photo get such a huge response on my facebook page? Because everyone loves Dennis? maybe, but more likely the adoring Dog Friday is the real reason.  Why are we so attracted to anything with animals?

Dennis has been using animals as a motif on his recent Mishima work. (Here is a video on the Mishima drawing process). He started out with just critters: horses, rabbits, fish.  Then the imagery began leading him into illustrations of his interior landscape which included common and iconic images like surveillance cameras and airplanes and helicopters.  Check out his latest kiln load hereIMG_3105
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