Red Carnations
Tagged: daily painting, flowers, oils, painting a day, still life
Category: Uncategorized

Last Wednesday I posted the roller coaster ride I took with these carnations, which started and ended with a blank canvas. Today I knew better what to do: a more careful composition, some glass for sparkle, a looser approach. I was pretty happy with how it came out this time. What do you think?
Hi Leslie,
I am both intrigued and smitten with today’s “new” carnations. The glass vase is so quietly vibrant. Wow.
I also am curious about your description of the new version — in glass — as “a looser approach.” To a person like me who is, in the artistic sense, visually challenged, today’s carnations-in-glass seem much more formal and, to make the comparison, much “tighter” than the Roller Coaster set.
In the end, though, I am most captivated with both versions as your rendering of a heart-stopping expression of Dennis’ love for you, and your loving response to him in your paintings. Wow again! Priscilla
Thanks Priscilla
Perhaps “approach” is the operative word here… more a mental attitude. And I did not take the roller coaster painting far enough to get it “tight”.