A Snowy Winter
Tagged: daily painting, nature, oils, painting a day, snow
Category: Uncategorized
We are usually lucky to get one or two snowfalls a year, here in Southern Oregon, but this year the snow has come and gone and come and gone several times. When there’s more than an inch or two we don’t even try to get down our driveway which is depicted in this painting, which I did a couple days ago, after arising early and taking a long, meditative walk in the quiet, white world.

The paintings I am sharing with you in this blog are the result of short, enjoyable sessions where I just paint whatever strikes me. I have not done this much, as I usually feel the need to have a Big Idea painting going that will take me many weeks to complete and is destined for a scheduled show or our annual sale. Doing big paintings can get to be a slog, so the discovery of a small format has been very liberating! More doing and less thinking.
(I’m moving this from the old blog)
Great blog site. I am very impressed with your computer talents, but more than that I really enjoy looking at these latest pieces. I am most fond of “The First of February”. Got cold just looking at it.
Very happy for you all with the engagement. Another exciting chapter has just begun.
I don’t know quite how I ended up on your list, (through Falling Awake?) but this is SO wonderful
I am enchanted!