Back to Painting!
Tagged: landscape, nature, oils
Category: Uncategorized

It’s been over two months since you have heard from me, but it has not been two months since I’ve painted. In June Terry Miura came to our studios at HUMMINGBIRD to present a plein air oil painting workshop and I participated as a student. I’m not really interested in becoming a landscape painter per se, but I often use landscape in my work and was happy to get some instruction on how to do it better. We live in such a beautiful place it’s hard to resist wanting to paint what you see, and painting outdoors is very fun and challenging- almost a sport in some ways. Terry wrote a complete run-down on the workshop so I won’t go into it here (Thanks Terry!), but a great time was had by all and I did three paintings. The first I sold without photographing it, the above is the second and I’ll post the third as soon as the glaze dries.
More about what has been occupying my time in posts to come.
I LOVE this one! I like your landscapes best of all, I think. Glad you’re back to painting and the blog.