I’m not sure about this…
Tagged: daily painting, melons, oils, painting a day, still life
Category: Uncategorized
Back in November I came across something on the web that led me to search for daily paintings, and I was very inspired by what I found.

Doing a painting a day is certainly nothing new. It’s no secret that the way to get better at painting is to paint often – as in, every day.
But what is new is that an artist nowadays can paint everyday and also exhibit everyday, via a blog or website.
I’m not sure about this idea. For one thing, time on the computer is not time painting. But unless you have a job other than making art, it’s important to make an effort to sell what you make, so I guess I’ll have a go at adding a blog to our web presence.
Besides, it might be sort of fun to share some of my ideas with you. I’ve been taking photos of paintings as they progress and from time to time I might include that process. I’ve also started a small painting class (and I can tell already that I will learn more by teaching than I might as a student) so perhaps some of that experience will show up here.
For the next few days I will post some of the daily paintings I did last November, and who knows? maybe I’ll get back in the swing of it…
Looks like it may snow again tonight.
Stay warm,