Offering others A DAY TO PAINT
Tagged: A Day to Paint, intuitive painting, living a creative life, painting with Leslie Lee
Category: Classes taught by Leslie Lee or Dennis Meiners, Events, Leslie's Doings
I can’t count the number of times people have asked me if I teach painting classes. I have always said no. This is because I was not taught to be a painter ( I majored in Graphic Design in college) and do what I do intuitively. Passing on that kind of knowledge is difficult and I have witnessed too many “teachers” who attempt it poorly.
But then my painting became even more intuitive: I start with a “smoosh” of random color and when I look at the resulting abstract brush strokes and shapes I begin to tease out people and animals, landscapes and odd shapes which have nothing to do with each other until… they do.
This approach to painting is accessible to all levels and I realized I could offer the experience to others, not as a class teaching technique and theory, but as a portal to their creativity.
In June I launched a series of monthly sessions I call Give Yourself A DAY TO PAINT. Saturday was the latest session and once again my studio was filled with the excitement of discovery.

September’s participants had either never painted or had not painted for years. Look what they did! And look at those smiles.
Letting go of preconceived ideas and expectations and jumping into process are experiences we can use in other aspects of a Creative Life. To quote Elizabeth Gilbert in her inspiring book Big Magic: ” What is creative living? Any life that is driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear”. I applaud those who are willing to give this DAY TO PAINT experience a try and I’m honored to be a trusted guide for these sessions.
Among the messages I have received from participants is this one from someone who has never painted before:
Thank you for an intriguing day painting. You were generous to share your technique, studio and supplies with us, and create an unexpected experience with your artistic guidance. I felt I was on a journey and it was marvelous. Plus a good group of fellow explorers for our artistic adventure. You provided me with an opportunity for a new form of expression.
And another note from a woman who has been painting professionally for many years:
So I am now painting some new pieces and thought you would like to know that your painting “class” was just what I needed to cause a change. A good change.
Even though I am not working in the manner we practiced I have become keenly aware of the textures of the underpainting which I slap on loosely and I have let go of the photorealistic box I was getting myself trapped in. I am back to painting in gesture which is where I wanted to be and could not seem to find my way back to. I am certain that your class was key…I am very happy.
This kind of response make me very happy as well. .
For info on future dates check Leslie’s Workshops or join our newsletter list.