Shasta Abbey « Meiners and Lee Studios

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Shasta Abbey

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Category: Leslie's Doings

Last Friday I drove south a couple of hours to Shasta Abbey to attend a Beginners Meditation Retreat for “instruction in the practice of Serene Reflection Meditation, talks on basic Buddhist teachings and on the purpose of Buddhist training, and opportunities to put the Buddhist teachings into practice in daily life”. I have been meditating (or attempting to) for years and felt some more in-depth guidance would be helpful, so I signed up and took my place among the other 30 or so retreat participants.

I have to say it was one of the more memorable experiences I am likely to have in my life. The monks were kind, instructive, funny, and very, very human. I got a chance to meditate in a Buddhist Temple, under the gaze of a huge golden Buddha, participate in services and ceremonies, practice “working meditation” (the goal, really), and eat in silence while gazing at the magnificence of Mt. Shasta. The dharma talks clarified and echoed my basic philosophy, which was affirming, and the possibility of approaching my painting with a clearer mind seems real. It might even spill over into the rest of my life! Many thanks to everyone at Shasta Abbey for their generosity.

This little painting is just a passing scene from the Monastery, which gives a tiny taste of the serenity there. I am more interested, however, in painting the pictorial metaphors that are popping up from the weekend. I have one started and will post it when it’s finished. Undoubtedly there will be many more.

“Shasta Abbey” 8×6″ oil on canvas $96
SOLD Thanks, J.E.

One Response to “Shasta Abbey”

  1. March 6, 2008 at 3:57 pm

    You certainly captured the serenity of the place.

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