Studying Heads at Gabriel’s Studio « Meiners and Lee Studios

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Studying Heads at Gabriel’s Studio

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Category: Classes taught by Leslie Lee or Dennis Meiners, Painting processes

Another 8 weeks with Gabrielle before I bow out of class for the spring/summer when too many Fridays are already scheduled with events. Last week Gabe did a demo painting a model for the whole three hours while we sketched. I’m glad for this instruction at this time, when I am finishing Noah’s Guitar and interested in doing other portraits soon.

Gabe likes to do his sketching in purple paint.

 Gabriel Lipper and his quick portrait of Al.
My sketch, from the other side of the room.
Today we worked with a different model and Gabe spewed information about proportions and planes of the face.

Positioning the eye ball first then wrapping the lids around the orb.

My effort for the day in conte crayon. He needs some more hair…and wider mouth and…? I do love having a model to work from.  More next week.

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