We’ve moved! « Meiners and Lee Studios

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We’ve moved!

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Category: Dennis' Doings

All that effort to sell our country home via the internet finally paid off in August when we were contacted by a young couple who had been living in Uganda for five years and were ready to bring their family back to the U.S.  They saw the video tour of our property and after sending Dad to check it out (he said he was happy to report to his daughter that the place was everything it appeared to be) , bought the place without ever seeing it.

It’s been a crazy ride ever since, but we are now back in Portland, Oregon after 18 years away, about a mile from my daughter’s family, my sister’s home, and most everything we need.  Instead of the thrum of the Applegate River we hear the I-5 freeway, but the street where we live has much more foot, dog and bike traffic than cars.  Dog Friday loves his daily visit to Portland’s ubiquitous dog parks to romp with his friends and even our grumpy old cat likes  it here!

Leslie& Dennis' new home

I would love to report that we are all settled and busy making art, but the truth is we are still swimming in a sea of unpacked boxes and decisions about what to keep and what to get rid of, and how to do the ridding. Downsizing from 4800 sq. ft. of house and studio to 1600 sq. ft. of bungalow and daylight basement is a challenge that may keep us busy all winter.

One Response to “We’ve moved!”

  1. Dana
    December 19, 2012 at 4:17 am

    Hi Dennis, Leslie and Friday,

    Your new home looks really sweet. I still need to make it up to Portland to explore. Never been. I’ll be sure to say hello should I make it that way… hopefully in 2013.

    Happy Holidays!
    Dana (and Maia)

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