Works in Progress « Meiners and Lee Studios

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Works in Progress

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Category: Leslie's Doings, Painting processes, Videos, Works in Progress

If you follow what I am doing in my studio you may think I have not been doing much.

The truth is I’m doing quite a lot, but have not been finishing what I start.

Sometimes the isolation of studio work leads to spinning my wheels and a lack of impetus to keep on with the process instead of starting something new and temporarily exciting.

It helps keep me going if I know you are watching. It helps even more when you comment, because then I know you are watching and waiting for Portland Open Studios in October when I hope to have finished most of these.

Sometimes I post Works In Progress (WIP) on my Facebook pages but it’s hard to have any continuity when hundreds of other peoples’ posts can come between the stages. And besides, it’s the folks who have subscribed Meiners&Lee newsletters or this blog that are most interested in seeing the latest iteration of a painting or Dennis’ ceramics.

So – I have added a new blog category called Works in Progress. These posts will be short and mostly images; certainly not coming as often as my Daily Drawings were, but I intend to keep you interested.
Since I jump around from painting to painting in my studio I will put each new work in a subcategory so you can see the progression of that particular piece.

I think this will be fun. Let me know what you think.

Here is an example of a WIP I have been working on for nearly 3 years. The change from start to present is quite dramatic. I’ve made it into a slideshow to save space. You can nix the music on the speaker icon.

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