
Posts Tagged ‘Leslie Lee’

Our Home and Studio- the set up

Saturday, March 6th, 2010

As you know, we are selling our place and making that happen is taking up a lot of my time and energy. Draining might be the word. I was starting to feel like I work in an office, on a computer all day. The remedy was obvious: get back in the studio! If I’m hung […]

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Unknown Cowboy

Tuesday, December 29th, 2009

This is another Different Stokes for Different Folks challenge. Karin asked everyone who wanted to participate to send a photo of themselves which she then distributed to the group at random. No one knows who anyone is and the point is not to do a portrait but a good painting from the reference photo. Of […]

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Harvesting Pumpkins

Monday, November 2nd, 2009

“Harvesting Pumpkins” 11′ x 15″ watercolor on cotton rag paper Late in the game I ran into another challenge on the ‘net: this one was on Facebook and called The First Annual Autumn Arts Painting Challenge and Competition.If you have the time to browse through nearly a thousand paintings take a look. I don’t think […]

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Heart of the City

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

“Heart of the City” 12 1/2″ x 91/2″ Watercolor on cotton rag paper $125 Karin Jurick has an interesting blog called Different Stokes for Different Folks, where she regularly posts a photo and challenges artists to do a painting from it. It’s very fun and informative to look through the different interpretations. I have been […]

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Magical Miracle

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

” Magical Miracle” 12 x12″ oil on canvas $150 A couple of months ago I was asked to participate in the Annual Women’s Invitational at Rogue Community College. The theme was Abracadabra. Since I was growing lettuce greens indoors for winter salads, I was fascinated and amazed once again by the miracle of a sprouting […]

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The Mighty Quince

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009

The Mighty Quince 24″ x 30″ oil on canvas panel $1200 (Well, this certainly qualifies as “after Christmas”!)This painting was part of the exercise of choosing a painter to emulate that I mentioned in my last post. A friend picked this wonderfully provocative quince off her tree to show me and immediately I asked if […]

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