Brothers 3
Tagged: brothers, children boy, figures, grandson, Leslie Lee, painting lesson, painting step-by-step
Category: Leslie's Doings, Painting processes
My wonderous nine month old grandson arrived here on the 26th to stay while his parents are in Japan. Skype is a wonderous thing even when the connection falters. We will return him to Portland on the 3rd, have a nice reunion and come home on the sixth. THEN I will paint again.
Until then here’s what happened on the painting of the brothers.
Here’s the squinty eye take on how the values are working out according to my plan which is still visisble in the background.
The next day I take the dog and return to Beaver Creek, where this idylic scene began. The water does not look like milk; it is a mirror.
With my new reference photos I rework the water. It’s better and I look forward to retrning to this painting.
Happy Halloween! I’ll be back in November.