Ashland Sky « Meiners and Lee Studios

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Ashland Sky

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“Ashland Sky” 41/2” x 61/2” oil on paper, matted $98

A few nights ago we drove the 50 minutes it takes us to get to Ashland to attend the opening of a friend’s show. She was in Terry’s plein air workshop this summer and it was fun to see a group of her landscapes together.

The sun began to set while we were in town, turning the sky into a riot of purple and orange against a mild blue background. Both Dennis and I stopped at this wall and commented on what a bold image it made; I kept it in my head until the next day and did this little painting from memory. I guess this one would classify as a city-scape.

We are going to the beach for a few days so I will share what I do there when we return.

2 Responses to “Ashland Sky”

  1. August 5, 2008 at 4:22 am

    gorgeous, leslie, even though it is a departure from your usual————-joyce.

  2. Anonymous
    August 12, 2008 at 9:25 pm

    Wow! I can see why you wanted to commit this sky to a painting! Joy

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