At the Window
Tagged: daily painting, figures, interior, oils, painting a day, painting lesson
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My husband, Dennis Meiners, and I are getting ready to participate in our 25th year at Ceramic Showcase in Portland April 25-27. Dennis won Best of Show at this big event last year so his Falling Horse sculptural teapot graces all this year’s publicity for the show. Since I no long make ceramic sculpture I show my paintings as canvas giclee prints mounted on ceramic plates which form their frames. Sounds pretty hokey, but they are not and my collectors really like them. Every year I resist doing this a little more. Truthfully, there’s not much I’d rather do than just paint (and sell them so I can make more).
Soo…you may not hear from me for a while. We will return on April 29 and I will head for the garden, which will need much attention.